Blackberry Q5 Sim Card Connecter Jumper Ways
Blackberry Q5 Insert Sim Solution
Blackberry Q5 Sim IC Not Working Problem
Blackberry Q5 Insert Sim Solution
Blackberry Q5 Sim IC Not Working Problem
Hardware method to solve Blackberry Q5 InsertSim Problem. which is known to be one of the most successful phone of Blackberry. Normally Blackberry Q5 doesn’t encounter much problem.
Do you ever find a problem on a mobile Blackberry Q5 insert sim card, sim card is invalid, corrupted sim card. if you ever come across a problem like this should not be confused first, because we wants to share tips and tricks on how to jumper insert sim card on Blackberry Q5.
Here is a diagram of how to jumper ic sim card in the Blackberry Q5. trick ic jumper, sim card line jumper.
How to Jumper Sim Card IC On Blackberry Q5
Check the fifth leg in the socket and make sure there is a normal flow
Check IC sim card, if it is damaged please make jumpers as shown above
If there is a valid sim then the problem is in the software. solution please re-program your phone.
So that we can deliver a solution this time. hopefully the tips and tricks sim card IC jumper ways this can help you trouble. good luck
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